Wylam Brewery, Exhibition Park, Newcastle

The Wylam Brewery micro-brewery and events space in Exhibition Park, Newcastle, opened on the 27th May 2016. It is located in the Palace of Arts building, which was originally built in 1928/9, for the North East Coast Exhibition of 1929. After the exhibition, the building was used for the Newcastle Museum of Science and Engineering, which was approached by an elegant bridge over the lake (demolished in 1961). The Science and Engineering collections were transferred to the Discovery Museum in 1983, when the building was leased by the North East Military Vehicle Club and became the Military Vehicle Museum. The Military Vehicle Museum closed in 2006, after the building was found to need urgent repairs, and later relocated to Sunderland. The Palace of Arts remained disused for almost a decade, before re-opening as Wylam Brewery, which hosts live music and other events. The Palace of Arts is a Grade II listed building.

Further information and photos of the Palace of Arts over the years.

Photo by Peter McDermott, 2011. c/o Geograph, available under a CC-BY-SA licence.

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